I have a great news![su_spacer size= »5″] I took some time to make little technical adjustments, and voilà ! I am finally ready to announce you this !
Donc les chroniques de « Conscience quantique » on Lilou Mace webTv, it’s here (in French) ! 🙂 [su_spacer size= »5″] And on top of that, I’ve promessed to release 2 comics per mounth ! Now that I’ve said it, I’m gonna do it !! [su_spacer size= »5″] cf. the 3rd principle to wake-up from Christine Lewicki : « My words create my reality » [su_spacer size= »5″] By the way, if you haven’t seen yep, I invite you to watch this highly vitaminazied video with the authour of « Wake Up!« : 4 simple and powerful principles to live your life with your full potentiel ![su_spacer size= »5″][su_youtube url= »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP5DlhD-YNY »]
septembre 15, 2014